A-List Adventures | A-List Aventuras

A-List Adventures at HMS strives to be a fun, exciting, and student interest driven program. We believe that in fostering a young person's sense of identity and social-emotional skills, we foster their ability to understand the value of education, community participation, and personal development. We're here to help you understand why strong relationships and an interest in STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art, and Math) can help you both engage today and succeed tomorrow!

Students participating in A-List Adventures at Henkle Middle School during the school year have completely free access to the following:

  • A healthy snack

  • Opportunities for solo and team-based fitness

  • Leadership opportunities to communally plan their own programming

  • Weekly visits to the MakerSpace (3D Printing, Woodshop, Sticker making, and more!)

  • A clubhouse stocked full of awesome activities:

    • Creative arts supplies (drawing, painting, slime making & more!)

    • Cooking supplies & appliances

    • Cool technology like Wii, VR (Quest 2), and video cameras

    • Sports equipment

    • Vegetable garden

  • A supportive, thoughtful, & positive adult mentor + 2 class pets

  • Homework help & tutoring

  • Opportunities to explore their local community via guest visitors & field trips

  • Transportation to convenient, close-to-home pick up school bus stops after program

Summer Programming

A-List Adventures also provides summer school programming during the month of July. Information about summer programming and enrollment comes out during May each year.

Students participating during the summer receive completely free access to the following opportunities blending academic learning with social emotional learning:

  • Activities on summer-themed topics like gardening, sports, outdoor adventures, and finding your interests

  • Two free meals (breakfast and lunch)

  • Field trips to special destinations such as the Portland Zoo, OMSI, and The Dalles pool

  • Transportation to and from summer program via school bus

Site Coordinator

Family Coordinator

Please contact Family Coordinator.

Pepe Quintanilla

(509) 637-0324


Upcoming Events

  • February 5th, 2025
    A-List Family Night - Skate Night @ Whitson Elementary School

  • March 27th, 2025
    A-List Family Night - Math Games & Balsa Wood Construction Project @ WPSIS/HMS Small Gym

  • May 29th, 2025
    A-List Family Night - End of Year Celebration

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HMS A-List students and their teacher pose in front of the t-rex statue at OMSI

Mission Statement

A-List knows that students deserve an enriching environment.

They deserve to experience safety, belonging, and the freedom to discover.

Learning here will be done with a blend of compassion and humor, to develop responsible human beings.

Vision Statement

A-List strives towards providing an accessible program which appreciates and fosters the existing value of students as members of their communities while stimulating their social, physical, and intellectual growth through the discovery and exploration of their own interests.